Monday, February 22, 2016

TAB Officer Ballot

  So now is the time to vote for TAB officer's. The three positions that are available are President, Vice President, and Secretary. Please

Monday, February 8, 2016

TAB Meeting 2/1/2016

We had a good time at our last meeting, where the first thing on the agenda was to choose four winners of our Bookmark Design Contest. The one’s that won in the four grade level groups was Khloe Owens a first grader, Megan Clifton a third grader, Maggie Rand an eighth grader, and Carleigh Barbour. Their bookmarks will be printed up at Taylors Printing and made available at the front desk for those upon check out, while supplies last. We also chose a good read for February titled The Great Hunt by Wendy Higgins. Be sure to check it out. Also we have another costume coming, Hedgie. The three volunteers I have participating are Jessie, Mary, and Aselyn for Feb. 9 and 10.  Here is the volunteer line-up.
10:30 AM Feb. 9 Jessie
4:00 PM Feb. 9 Aselyn and Mary
10:30 AM Feb. 10 Aselyn and Mary
4:00 PM Feb. 10 Jessie.
If these dates and times does not work for the volunteers please let me know. Also we discussed having TAB officers who would be elected by a secret ballot for one year. I think we will have the year run from Jan. to Dec. for our officer positions. From what we have discussed we will have three officers a President, Vice President, and Secretary. I have composed a description of these three officer positions below. If you are interested in serving TAB as one of these officers please send me a letter of intent/interest. I will email out a secret online ballot and at our next TAB meeting on Mar. 28 at 4:00 PM I will announce the three winners.  At the meeting we agreed that serving on TAB in these positions would look really good on applications to college or a job. So please let me know if you are interested by Feb. 12.  That way I can get the ballot together in time for everyone to vote. Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

TAB President
The primary function of the TAB President will be to help keep things organized. The President will help Ms. Amanda run meetings and keep members on topic. The President will also be responsible for helping organize TAB events, such as programs or volunteer opportunities. The President needs to be able to attend most TAB meetings, and will be expected to come a little early to help set up. The President has to be very organized, and have enough free time to be heavily involved in the TAB functions. All officers are responsible for advocacy—encouraging other teens to join the library’s TAB group.

TAB Vice President
The VP will be the backup for the President in case he or she can't attend a meeting. The primary responsibility of the VP will be communicating among TAB members to make sure that everyone knows when meetings, volunteer opportunities, and programs are, etc. The VP also works alongside of the President in the performance of TAB responsibilities. All officers are responsible for advocacy—encouraging other teens to join the library’s TAB group. 

The Secretary's primary responsibility will be taking notes during meetings, and then typing them up to be emailed to all TAB members or placed on a library blog. This is so people who can't attend will still be able to see what's going on. All officers are responsible for advocacy—encouraging other teens to join the library’s TAB group.