Tuesday, March 29, 2016

TAB Meeting 3/28/16

I hope everyone is enjoying spring and had a very Happy Easter.

Item #1:
If you have not voted for our three TAB officers please do so before March 31st. Elected officials will be contacted by April 1st with their responsibilities.

Item #2:
We chose a TAB good read for April "Yellow Brick War" by Danielle Paige it is the third book in the Dorothy Must Die series. A super fun Wizard of Oz adventure series. Check it out on Good Reads.

Item #3:
There are a couple volunteer opportunities in April. The first week of April we are having our Friends of the Library Spring Book Sale the 7-9. We have had a ton of YA, kids, and DVD's donated so please stop by and support the library. We would like volunteers to help us clean up after the book sale on Saturday. The sale ends at 1:00 PM so if you are available to help box up books from 12:30 to 1:30 that would be wonderful. We may even need assistance straightening the room back too.

Also we are having Curious George, a Person County kid's favorite monkey, on April 12 and 13 at 10:30 AM and 4:00 PM both days. If you are available and would like to wear the Curious George costume and get tons of hugs, high fives, and see the smiles on young faces; please let me know, aweaver@personcounty.net.

Item #4:
Please remember next month in April TAB will meet on the 25th at 4:00 PM to discuss "Place is the Thing..." a discussion of how setting is used to enhance a story. This book discussion should be very interesting. Please follow the link to see some suggested reads. Be prepared to share, chat, and discuss.

Item #5:
For next time please chat with your friends and cyber snooping online to come up with two suggestions for TAB library programs. What type program would you or your friends attend in the library? What have you seen at other libraries? Why type programs does your school library do? If you get stumped please feel free to contact me. We are looking for teen or tween programs to do this summer. Happy hunting!

I look forward to seeing you all in April. Happy Spring!