Thursday, April 28, 2016

TAB Meeting Agenda 4/25/2016

TAB Meeting Agenda 4/25/2016

1.      “The Place is the Thing…” How setting is used in a story quarterly book discussion. Recommended titles to read: “Paper Towns” By John Green, “Rain of the Ghosts” By Greg Weisman, and “Tell the Story to It’s End” By Simon Clark.
a.     What is the setting of the novel you read?
b.     How does the author paint a picture of the setting in your head?
c.      What did the author make you see, smell, or hear in the story using setting?
d.     How do the characters interact within the setting?
e.     Is setting dependent upon genre? If so, how?

2.     At our last meeting on 3/28/16 we planned to research program ideas and share with the group to come up with ideas for teen programs to do during the summer.
a.     We decided to postpone this discussion till our next meeting on May 9th at 4:00 PM.

3.     After two months of TAB voting we have selected three officers for the next year 2016-2017 effective now. Please welcome!
a.     Carly Long TAB President
b.     Delaney Sullivan TAB Vice President
c.      Jessie Kradel TAB Secretary

4.     Upcoming volunteer opportunity in the Library. We are having a “Let’s Read Around Town” Family Literacy Night with Partnership for Children on Thursday from 5:30 to 7:00 PM. Volunteers are needed to help set up and guide children and parents during the program. If you are interested please let Amanda know.

5. Our next meeting will be held on Monday May 9 at 4:00 PM. Please join the talk!