Tuesday, February 14, 2017

TAB Meeting 2/13/17

Guest speakers Parks and Rec Jennifer Teasley. Join the Friends of the Parks just for $5.00. They would love to have teen volunteers and programming ideas. Interested in volunteering or have a great idea email Jennifer at jteasley@personcounty.net
Mayo Park Bird House Build Saturday Mar. 11 at 10:00 AM
“Build a bird house for the parks or build one for $15.00 to take home.”
Also Kay Rudd came to discuss Person County events Day trips, Color Runs, or Dance Party/Movie hangouts. Please forward your great teen ideas to her at kayrudd@personcounty.net

  1. TAB Choice
    1. March Choice Read (TAB choice Caraval By Stephanie Garber)
    2. Dwindled interest in Teen Read to Win program any ideas to make it more exciting. (Change to Quarterly prize drawing or Teen summer program.)
    3. Teen Budget update $102.50.

  1. Should we combine Anime and TAB?
    1. Dividing our meeting time to half inside the library and other half sharing interests in the library gallery. (TAB will continue Monday meetings at 4:00 PM. Half time in Library other half gaming/activities in Gallery.)

  1. New TAB officers for 2017. Any nominations…?
    1. TAB President: (Recommendation Claire Lewis)
    2. TAB Vice President: (?????)
    3. TAB Secretary:  (Recommendation Sidney Nesbitt)
    4. Let’s all try to collaborate and at each meeting decide on something to do on TAB blog.
      1. Will send out TAB ballot via email to submit officers anonymously.

  1. Upcoming Library Events:
    1. Craft It @ The Library: Make Your Own Fairy Garden Thursday Mar. 2 at 3:30 to 4:30 PM. Make your own tiny decorative fairy garden! This free workshop is for adults and young crafters ages 10+.
    2. March to the Music month: Music Appreciation Day! Thursday March 30 at 4:30 PM any interested musicians? (Play, Share, and Tell!)
    3. Idea for fun TAB networking and fun event Saturday show “Spirited Away” on an afternoon.
    4. Idea of TAB relaxation program with bath salt molds. Study tips and tricks.

  1. Next TAB meeting on Mar. 6 @ 4:00

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